It's a crazy thought that competition would ever be a factor in the Kingdom of God. Aren't we all after the same thing? Aren't we different parts of the same body? Yet even the early church in 1 Corinthians 1:10-12 had already started competing with each other - and we still do today. How easy it is for us to lose the plot and forget that it's not about us, our egos, our pride, our legacy, our name - or even our dreams.
If I am very honest (difficult in an open blog format) I would have to tell you I have struggled with a competitive spirit before and must continually fight to keep it in check. I have spoken to other worship leaders who feel the same too. It's a continual battle to keep perspective on what really matters and trust in God to use you in His way and timing rather than vie for position. We must remember that "position" as we look at it on earth means nothing to God. In fact he sees things in reverse.
Our world - even our Christian subculture - wants to reward outward performance. There are stats and charts on radio, sales, attendance and popularity even in ministry. Don't get me wrong, not all charts and awards are bad. I refer to them too. In my view its unavoidable. The pressure to participate in the game or feel sidelined or unimportant is huge. People around us will always keep score. It's our human nature. The trick is not to get caught up in it, or care too much - or think that God does AT ALL.
If you struggle with competitive thoughts creeping into your ministry from time to time, as I do, pause and focus again. It's not about us. It's all about Him and the only thing we can take with us into eternity are our souls and the souls of those around us. Everything else gets burned up and never sees the light of heaven.
We are to seek first HIS kingdom and HIS righteousness and trust HIM to add to our lives what we need. (Mat 6:33) Let God promote you in His timing and His way. Even better, work to give up the desire for promotion in the first place and just rest in His unconditional love for you regardless of performance. (Easier said than done, I know)
Even those of us with overlapping talents. It's a big world, ripe for harvest, and the workers, in proportion, are few. Are you doing what God has called you to do in the place and manner in which He has called you to do it? If so, awesome. Take a deep breath and relax because that's called obedience and that's all He really wants for your life. His purposes for us don't focus on earthly attention. He's simply focused on making us look more like Jesus. The only scorecards for that are kept in heaven. Let's do our best to race each other towards THAT goal and let the rest fade away.