Thursday, July 29, 2010

Worship Defibrillator Part 2b - How to Get a Bigger Revelation

So we've covered if you've got small worship you probly have small revelation of who God is. So the next logical thought is: "well, how do I get a bigger revelation of God then?"

Here are a couple suggestions. These are not exhaustive. In fact, I'd love to hear your ideas that I might have missed too!

This is kinduv a no-brainer right? The Bible is God's revelation to us. It tells us who He is, what He's like, what He wants, and what He thinks (including what He thinks of us). The Bible is God's single greatest source of revelation for us. Apart from being on the earth when Jesus walked here with us you're not going to find a better source of revelation of who God is. Period. As we read His Word, which is living and active, it changes us and renews our mind so we can think like God does and see things closer to the lens with which He sees them. (Heb 4:12) (Rom 12:2) His Word stirs faith in our hearts when we read it or hear it. (Rom 10:17) It is God's tool to change us, focus us, and awaken us.
If you don't feel like worshipping and you need a bigger revelation of God, read about who He is and what He's done; or get somewhere where it's being read or taught well and let an understanding of His greatness awaken worship in you again.

Romans 1:20 tells us that since the beginning of time God has made who He is plain to mankind through this world He created. Psalms 19:1 tells us, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands" There is an element of being out in God's creation that stirs wonder in us. The vastness of the ocean, the unending sea of stars on a clear night, it all screams to us that there's someone bigger than us at work. Yet the reality is for most of us we hardly see much nature these days. We spend the bulk of our time in man-made enclosures with light pollution and paved roadways. Everything around us points to man with God's creation sidelined. For most of us that's just a fact of life now but it's good to get out and restore wonder and remember God's awesome creation that points to a creator.

While people are imperfect and can wound as easily as help sometimes, it's good to be with God's people who know who He is and love Him and can help us re-focus when we're off track, encouraging one another (Heb 10:25) It's also good to hear the testimonies of what God has done in other believers' lives. That can expand our understanding of Him and stir faith in our hearts to trust Him ourselves. There is great power in testimony. (Rev 12:11) What He's done for others He can do for You! Also, it is within the context of a group of worshipers that Jesus has promised to dwell; (Mat 18:20) and in the midst of those believers' praises that God comes and visits, and we can often most readily experience his manifest presence. (Ps 22:3)

Praying is a two-way street. We talk to God and He talks to us. Often in still small voice. (1 Kng 19:12) If we learn to get to a quiet place regularly and hear from Him he will reveal himself to us.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Suggestions # 2,3 & 4 here all hinge on #1. God will not directly contradict His own word as revealed in the Bible. So any thoughts about God we derive from our time in nature or His people or in our quiet times are all subject to the rock-steady revelation we have from Him in His Word! When in doubt go with the Bible every time!

So - did I miss something?
Another way to expand our revelation of God, and in doing so, expand our worship? I'd love to hear YOUR thoughts below!

Coming next post - Part 3 of what to do when you don't feel like worshipping!