Whether you are a worship leader who travels and ministers itinerantly or one who leads primarily in one place there is one all-important concept you absolutely need to understand:
Failing to understand the biblical concept of authority, especially as a worship leader, I believe, is a death-wish for your ministry; and poison in the place(s) you minister. How many church splits and conflicts have been rooted in worship leaders failing to submit to the vision of their pastors? Some would argue theologically that Lucifer himself is the precedent for this: Article: Is Lucifer Leading Worship In Your Church?
Here are the basics: The entire basis & root of sin is rebellion to God's authority. And as John Bevere writes so well in his book Under Cover (Highly recommended reading): "We cannot separate our submission to God's inherent authority from our submission to His delegated authority. All Authority originates from Him!" (U.C. pg.11) "For there is no authority except from God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgement on themselves." (Romans 13:1-2)
So here's what this means for you and me: The authority of the pastor you serve under, whether you're visiting or resident, traces back to Jesus himself.
Take that in for a second. It's pretty big.
That means what they want goes - whether we like it or not and no matter what we're "feeling led to" at that moment. "We cannot bypass delegated authority and declare ourselves subject only to God's" (U.C. pg.158) If we submit only when it lines up with what we think at the time then that's not submitting at all.
So here comes the obvious question: "But what if they're WRONG???"
Are you ready for this?...
Not our problem! :)
Here's the thing: We don't have to assume the pressure on ourselves of discerning if the Pastor is right. The Pastor's authority comes directly from Jesus and if they're wrong it's on them and not us. All WE are responsible for is to submit to THEM. If we do that, under God's appointed plan, we're covered and we did the right thing. That earns us a "Well done my good and faithful servant" on that assignment. - Freeing isn't it? :)
"There is freedom in submission and bondage in rebellion" (U.C. pg.11) Knowing this really helps make our way a little easier as worship leaders. Our job is not to steer (or rock) the boat. Rather, it's to paddle on command. "We must keep before us the fact that a person can be more gifted than his pastor, yet the pastor who stands in the office of authority is over the gifted person." (U.C. pg. 184)
Maybe your pastor "just doesn't get it" on worship. That's okay - they're still your pastor and they're the boss! If they're open to a private discussion later about the vision for worship at your church then that's awesome. Humbly share your heart. If at the end of that talk there are still conflicting visions go home and pray. But if you can't wholeheartedly submit to the authority of your pastor:
A. You should not breathe a word of dissension - ever. Remember: their authority traces back to Jesus!
B. If you can't submit you shouldn't be the one leading worship there
If you're traveling and ministering as a visitor somewhere find out the leadership's vision and do your best to serve that. In doing so you're aligning yourself with God's vision. If and when God want's something different there he'll change the leadership or he'll change-out the leadership. If you're leading worship at your church do the same. Our path as worship leaders becomes clearer when we trace appointed authority backwards and realize it all comes from Jesus!