(we've all been there!)
Get A Bigger Revelation
We all worship God according to our revelation of who we think He is. If you think God is small, distant, uninterested and uninvolved, or doesn't like you, then your worship will be small if not non-existent. If your understanding of God is huge, that He loves you, sacrificed for you and cares about the details of your life, is all powerful and ready and willing to interact with you; then your worship will be big accordingly.
Worship is our response to God. It is, then, a telltale sign of what we really think about Him. Let me encourage you, when you're thinking about who God is. THINK BIG! You cannot possibly think big enough!
The Bible tells us that right now we don't see the whole picture. It's like we're looking through a very dirty window or mirror. (1 Cor 13:12-13) Our minds can't possibly grasp the totality of God. We're not capable. Psalms 145:3 says "His greatness is beyond discovery"; and Job 37:23 tells us “We cannot imagine the power of the Almighty. Yet He is so just and merciful that He does not oppress us.” Donald Miller in his book Blue Like Jazz said this and I like it: “We can no more understand the totality of God than the pancake I made for breakfast understands the complexity of me” Go ahead, fire away, think up the biggest scenario you can of who God is and I guarantee it is not big enough!
We get glimpses of revelation into who He is. But there will come day when ALL the world will see Him AS HE ACTUALLY IS (Is 40:5) and when we have that realization we ALL will worship Him. (Phil 2:9-11) And it won't be tame! (Rev 4:1-11) But right now we worship God in FAITH, according to who we understand Him to be, based on what we know about Him and whether we believe it. (Heb 11:6) If we don't have any revelation we cast of restraint because - who cares... why waste our time? (Pr 29:18)
So what does your worship say about the revelation you have - or don't have - of our God?
Hey, vision leaks. We all need to constantly remind ourselves who God is. It keeps us on track and inspires worship. (Ps 119:11) So - where do we get this revelation? HOW do we get a bigger revelation of God so our worship and lives lay-out accordingly?
That'll be my next post - coming soon!